Live broadcast starting Friday the 8th + Daily Tracking
Marina Rubicón has dedicated a lot of effort and focus on this championship and starting on Friday and until the end of the World Championship, on Sunday the 10th, racing will be broadcast live on the YouTube channel of Lanzarote Sailing Center and also in this website.
The livestream is planned to start 15 minutes before the warning signal, so if you want to know when to tune in go to our social channels @lanzarotesailingcenter for the latest updates. Get close to the action and tune in to the livestream so you won't miss out on anything!
Likewise, there will be tracking all the racing days in this website, that will be updated with news, photographs and videos every day, as well as our Instagram and Facebook.
The Lanzarote International Regatta is organized by Marina Rubicón and has the collaboration of the Royal Canarian Sailing Federation, as well as the institutional support of the Tourism area of the Lanzarote Cabildo through the sports product European Sports Destination (managed by SPEL-Turismo Lanzarote), Promotur Turismo de Canarias, the Yaiza City Council and the private entities Dinghycoach, Naviera Armas and Cabrera Medina (Cicar).