49er - FX

  • day 15 / 09:00 - 19:00 hrs. / REGISTRATION
  • from 16 to 18 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 4 RACES
  • day 19 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 2 RACES / Medal Race / Price Giving Ceremony
  • 470

  • day 15 / 09:00 - 19:00 hrs. / REGISTRATION
  • from 16 to 18 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 4 RACES
  • day 19 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 2 RACES / Medal Race / Price Giving Ceremony

  • day 20 / 09:00 - 19:00 hrs. / REGISTRATION
  • from 21 to 23 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 2 RACES
  • day 24 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 1 RACES / Medal Race / Price Giving Ceremony

  • day 20 / 09:00 - 19:00 hrs. / REGISTRATION
  • from 21 to 23 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 3 RACES
  • day 24 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 2 RACES / Medal Race / Price Giving Ceremony

  • day 24 / 09:00 - 19:00 hrs. / REGISTRATION
  • from 25 to 27 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 4 RACES
  • day 28 / 12:00 hrs. / Warning signal 1st race on the day / 2 RACES / Medal Race / Price Giving Ceremony
  • Marina Rubicón
    Cabildo de Lanzarote
    Lanzarote Sport Destination
    Centros de Arte, Cultura y Turismo LANZAROTE
    Servicio Insular de Deportes
    Ayuntamiento de Yaiza
    Real Federación Canaria de Vela
    Lanzarote International Regata


    Federación Canaria de Barquillos
    Federación Insular de Vela Latina Lanzarote
    Federación de Barquillos de Vela Latina Canaria
    Naviera Armas
    Club de Regatas 4 Vientos